Miklós Molnár
MSc chemical engineering
Place: building I, room 605.
Phone: +36 88 623-509
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Miklós Molnár received his MSc degree in chemical engineering from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in 2010. He started his PhD studies at the University of Pannonia in 2016 related to the topic of utilization of oil shale in the removal of environmental contaminants. Simultaneously, he was a member of Soós Ernő Water Technology Research and Development Centre from 2018, where he worked primarily on a project dealing with the utilization of national volcanic raw materials for environmental protection. Accordingly, he investigated the potential of oil shale and zeolite for environmental protection purposes. Meanwhile, he gained experience in adsorption processes, in the enhancement of their efficiency, in preparing composite materials as sorbents and in forming techniques as well. Further field of his research was biodegradation in the presence of microorganisms. He also examined the characteristics of decomposition in the presence of volcanic raw materials, the decomposition pathways and the enhancement of their efficiency. Currently, he is a member of the Environmental Biotechnology Research Group in the Research Institute of Biomolecular and Chemical Engineering from 2022.