The aim of the Environmental Biotechnology Research Group is to contribute to the reduction of environmental pollution in accordance with the principle of sustainable development. In its activities, it focuses on the development of green technologies, the development of innovative environmental and industrial technologies, which are based on natural raw materials and processes that help maintain a livable environment.
We develop and apply technologies that promote sustainable production in the modern biotechnology and environmental industries and in agriculture, using environmentally friendly materials and environmentally friendly methods.
Our research laboratory cooperates with the Functional Nanoparticles Research Laboratory of the Institute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry of the Research Centre for Natural Sciences, thus, our activity is also supported by a modern particle technology infrastructure, expanding the possibility of applying environmentally friendly technologies with micro- and nanoencapsulation methods.
Key research topics of the research group:
Purification of polluted water, soil and utilization of resources by nano-, bio- and other modern technological methods.
Recycling of waste and utilization of natural materials (e.g. alginite, zeolite, agricultural by-products) using environmentally friendly processes (adsorption, intensified biosorption and biodegradation).
Investigation and intensification of the biodegradability processes of various contaminants to develop applied biotechnological methods.